Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Workout Log

LEGS!! Yes, Legs!! Once I am done with the lunges, I am okay!! I have to say that I hate them but they are so effective.  This Body Beast Workout is so great for your legs.  It works everything from the waist down: glutes, thighs, hips, inner thighs, calves, etc...  It goes by very fast!

Remember to just click on the links I have on the right hand side column of this blog for more detailed information on this workouts.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Workout Log

Despite a long holiday weekend, I kept up pretty good with my eating and did my workouts!!  YAY!!  How did it go for you?

I did Bulk Legs and to tell you the truth I lost track of where I am supposed to be on the calendar!! Yikes!!  Oh, well... next week, I will start with the last month of Body Beast and go from there!

Keep trucking along people!! The end is near!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Workout Log

Bulk Legs today! Already out of breath!! Trying to go heavier!  That's how changes come! Don't stay with the same weight.  Go up if you can and change it up.  Your body will get used to it if you always stay the same.  So changes things up!

Breakfast done, rest done, workout in progress!

Motivate yourself too.  Don't wait on others to motivate you.  Stay consistent and find someone that will inspire you!

Go get it!